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  Sanitary Napkin Dispensers
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Sanitary Napkin Dispensers


A quality sanitary napkin dispenser should combine smooth, contemporary styling with durable, vandal-resistant construction. Most units that dispense sanitary napkins can also be called "vending units" or "vendors", because sanitary napkins and tampons, often have to be bought from the actual dispenser. This means that sanitary napkin dispensers must have coin mechanisms, locks and sturdy faces. This prevents the user from just opening the unit and removing the tampons and sanitary pads.

Depending on which sanitary napkin dispenser you select, the coin mechanism will allow you to set your price choice, most United States dispensers allow you to set the coin collection values at (free, ¢10, ¢25, ¢50, $1). If you are going to be installing your unit in countries other than the United States is important to select a dispenser that can accept multiple forms of international currency.

Sanitary napkin dispensers are usually made from stainless steel and are designed to pass the test of time. Stainless steel construction ensures durability and remains resistant to moisture. Restrooms and washrooms are areas that often contain high levels of moisture and can rust or corrode other types of metals. That is why this is often the chosen material in the construction of units that dispense sanitary pads and tampons.

Now lets consider yout mounting options. If you have depth within your walls, it is advised that you choose a recessed or semi-recessed model. This allows for your sanitary dispenser to remain flush with the wall that it is installed in, or to slightly protrude. These factors are often important, so that the restroom to meet its common ADA standards.

If you need a unit that can cover more than one stall or partition at a time, perhaps you should consider using what is called a partition mounted napkin dispenser. This allows one single unit to be mounted inside of the bathroom stall, that single unit can then serve both sides. This can save you money in the long run, and also maintenance when it comes time to refill the dispenser.

Installing Your Sanitary Napkin Business

Now let's talk some about installing your sanitary napkin dispenser. Mounting a dispenser in your wall is a job that most people can reasonably handle. Most sanitary napkin dispensers collect coins to distribute the napkins, these units usually come with very specific instructions for installation. This is necessary because you will need to access the change receptacle quite often. The unit is not properly installed removing your coins could be difficult.

To begin installing your dispenser, you will need to choose the right spot on your wall. Many of these units can be very heavy, you don't want to have to continually lift this unit over and over to get accurate measurements. If you cut out a piece the carport the unit came in to the same dimensions as the sanitary napkin dispenser, you can then use that piece of cardboard to decide where you want the pleasure unit. Then use the carport to trace out where you will place your dispenser on the wall.

Now, depending on your unit, you will need to mount the bracket on the wall that you will use to affix the napkin dispenser. Most mounting brackets have a snap-lock system that is used to connect the bracket in the unit. Some models feature anchored screws that will you be used for mounting. Once you have properly mounted dispenser, it should be ready for operation. If you're model doesn't seem to install properly you should contact the manufacturer for troubleshooting.


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